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Ending Affirmative Action Would Be A Terrible Mistake

Much as we'd like to believe otherwise, we are not yet at the point where we can close the door on affirmative action in the name of color blindness, nor can we pretend structural racism no longer exists. If anything, we are only beginning to confront the issue in all its manifestations. Affirmative action policies don't just benefit minorities, they...


The Future of Transportation in the Black Community

20% of Black households do not have access to an automobile. This is the highest percentage among all races and ethnicities. Additionally, one-third of low-income African Americans live in a zero-vehicle household.18 In an automobile-dominated transportation system, lack of automobile access hinders the ability to reach jobs, education, healthy food, and more.


Product-Market Fit is a Broken Concept

This creates the belief in many, many companies, even those that shouldn’t be trying to seek investment from venture-style funds, that they should chase a magical "product-market" fit metric instead of a sustainable, profitable business. Worse still, when they hit these metrics and return to the potential investor, they’re still turned down (because "metrics" were just an excuse for whatever...


Energy Equity: Bringing Solar Power to Low-Income Communities

Millions of Americans lack access to solar energy because they cannot afford the steep upfront costs. Now, more than a dozen states are adopting "community solar" programs that are bringing solar power and lower energy bills to low-income households from New York to California.